Special Lead Products

Special lead products deserve a special page. Because lead comes in many different products it's not possible to fit them all into a certain specific market. The products available are meant to be increasing at the time. We started with wire, pipes and solder, but more is yet to come. Diving lead is recently added. Keep an eye on this special page to see which products will be added in the future.

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Lead Wire

Lead wire is often used by craftsmen to ad extra lead material in between the joints while welding lead sheets. Also used for bullets, electronics and curtain weights lead...>>

Lead Pipes

Since a lot of countries has forbidden the usage of lead tubes / lead pipes for water pipe lines the production of lead pipes dropped dramatically. Though for some...>>

Lead Solder

Lead solder is one of the best known special lead products containing lead. Almost everyone has had a piece of lead solder in their hands once before. Widely used in consumer electronics and...>>

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